iChange Nations

iChange Nations

Saturday, March 25, 2017


Ambassador Clyde Rivers

While in Jerusalem, Israel, Ambassador Clyde Rivers was privileged to join with Dr. Jenny Lopez of Women Add Value and Halel Worship Ministries, Deborah Luquer-Bartfeld, to bring the PRAY ISRAEL INITIATIVE. This initiative emphasizes praying for peace and unity as it brings an active relationship-building move between Christianity and Judaism in Israel. This move is happening through worshiping together.

“We have to start building relationships of trust so that our world can be a better place for everyone," Ambassador Rivers commented. "Anytime we can come together in peace and dialogue through whatever means, humanity wins. It is an honor to watch Women Add Value and Halel Worship Ministries work together in this.”

Ambassador Clyde Rivers is the Founder and President of iChange Nations™, which is the largest honor network in the world. iChange Nations™ is a professional institution that builds Statesmen by equipping, mentoring and training highly esteemed individuals who have the desire to change nations throughout the world. The organization is seeking to bring global awareness by strategically helping nations to educate, train and support the Nation Building Process designed to improve the dignity and betterment of human life. This international platform focuses on establishing effective relationships to help people understand the value of honor. iChange Nations™ and Golden Rule Dialogue expert, Professor Clyde Rivers, is also establishing Golden Rule Dialogue globally to aid in better communications that work toward peace and development.

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Amb. Clyde Rivers with Prof. Jackson and Dr. Donella Pitzl
February 2017 - Northern Kentucky University - Highland Heights, Kentucky: Prof. Eric Jackson received the World Civility Award for his work in bringing Black History Studies to life around the world, through his curriculum development and published works; and establishing healthy civil dialogue to histories of different cultures. He’s worked with the NAACP and different cultural groups to help bring civil dialogue to historic issues. Prof. Jackson is highly esteemed by his students and colleagues alike. According to many, he has a way of talking straight while bringing life and hope to people. Prof. Eric is a fine example of a true World Civility Awardee. The award was presented by Ambassador Clyde Rivers and Dr. Donella Pitzl in the company of friends and colleagues on the NKU campus.

Ambassador Clyde Rivers is the Spokesperson for World Civility Day. This DAY was initially launched in 2016. Ambassador Rivers brought the Community Civility Counts resolution to a global stage, with one of the first renowned recipients of the World Civility Award being Former President of Zambia Africa, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda. He is one of the last living freedom fighters and a living icon for the continent of Africa. 

Chuck Hughes, Executive Director of the Gary Chamber of Commerce and Gordon Bradshaw, the Chambers Public Policy Chairman, along with The Times Media Co. have been the biggest supporters of World Civility Day and the Community Civility Counts Resolution.

Ambassador Rivers said, “To honor a man like Prof. Jackson with this award brings the level of the award to a new height. It is men like him who make a difference in this world, and it is an honor to continue to search out and find people with a deep-seated commitment to Civil Dialogue in helping mankind dwell in peace.”

Monday, March 6, 2017


Dr. Vera Tembo and Dr. Clyde Rivers

Zambia, Africa, January 2017: iChange Nations™ bestowed upon the Former First Lady of Zambia, Dr. Vera Tembo Chiluba the first “ICN Woman of the Year Award.”

Dr. Vera Tembo Chiluba received this prestigious award for her outstanding work in the nation of Zambia with women and orphans. She has lived a life of service for her people and is an example of strength to support and aid her nation, even to the present day.

In Lusaka, Zambia with the eyes of the nation watching, Dr. Vera Tembo Chiluba graciously received her honor. It is the desire of iChange Nations™ and Professor Clyde Rivers to continue to present great women, that are making a difference in their countries, to the world.

Professor Rivers said, “It is time for the world to see the strength and greatness of women overcoming and raising above their circumstances to share their contributions around the globe. The world will be a better place as we acknowledge the strength of women to make positive change and help mankind.”

Professor Clyde Rivers is the Founder and President of iChange Nations™. It is the world’s largest building cultures of honor network in the world. iChange Nations™ is a professional institution that builds Statesmen by equipping, mentoring and training highly esteemed individuals who have the desire to change nations throughout the world. The organization is seeking to bring global awareness by strategically helping nations to educate, train and support the Nation Building Process designed to improve the dignity and betterment of human life.

This international platform focuses on establishing effective relationships to help people understand the value of honor. iChange Nations™ and Professor Rivers, Golden Rule Dialogue expert, is also establishing Golden Rule Dialogue globally to aid in better communications that work toward peace and development.

Friday, March 3, 2017


Professor Clyde Rivers and Dr. Kenneth Kaunda

Zambia, Africa - January 2017:  iChange Nations™ International Commissioner for Latin University of Theology, Professor Clyde Rivers, honored the first Republican President of Zambia Africa,  Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda, by presenting him an honorary Doctorate in Societal Human Rights for his work to liberate the people of Africa from colonialism and for uniting his nation. Zambia has over 70 tribes and they are united to this day because of Dr. Kaunda’s efforts. He also served as the Chairman of the African Union and labored for peace on the continent of Africa. He received this honor in his home in Lusaka, Zambia.

Latin University of Theology has been operating for more than a decade and has graduated over 25,000 missionaries and ministers from the United States, Latin America, Europe and Africa. This distance-learning university is based out of Inglewood California. The university provides degrees in Theology, Pastoral Ministry, and Biblical Counseling. Dr. Manuel Tigerino is the Founder and President of Latin University of Theology.

“Latin University of Theology and Dr. Manuel Tigerino have a desire to see great individuals honored for their skills and philosophy,” Professor Rivers shared. “Their labors need to be awarded around the world. The world needs to learn of the great works of these individuals. For this reason, I have been given the honor of representing LUT, to bestow honor upon outstanding individuals. This is truly a privilege.”