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Dr. Everett Hersey and Amb. Dr. Clyde Rivers
It was a
great privilege to be a part of the unveiling of the iChange Nations™ - Human
Rights Global Congress™, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I believe that this
organization will be one of the most effective teachers of Human Rights in the
world today. I say this because I saw the vision, not to promote the rights of
one nation, religion, or individual, but to promote the rights of all humans.
I was able
to speak on the Human Rights Article 19 of the United Nations, ”Everyone has the right to freedom
of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without
interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any
media and regardless of frontiers.”
We will not always agree in life,
but that does not mean that every individual should not be able to state what
he or she believes. The surest way to destroy all the other Human Rights is to
not allow someone to speak out when their rights have been violated.
The Human Rights should
never be up for a vote of popular opinion. If this happens, you will see the
destruction of a freethinking society. It becomes one of tyranny in a very
short period of time. As Benjamin Franklin said “Democracy is
two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed
lamb contesting the vote.”
The only
way to ensure that the rights of all men, women and children are protected is
not through the strength of our police force or military, but through the
teaching and the practice of living the Golden
Rule – “Do not do anything to another that you not want them to do to you.”
Article edited with permission
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